Saturday, March 10, 2018

10 Herbs You can Grow Indoors

The process of growing plants indoors in water is known as hydroponics. 

  • Place herb cuttings in glass bottles. Add plain water, either rain water or tap water which has been left to air overnight. Avoid using tight-fitting containers.
  • Remove the lower leaves because they will rot in water. Change the water once a week. When the roots start growing, do not change the water.
  • You can also soak a few willow branches in warm water overnight and then use to speed up the growth.
  • Place the jar in bright light.

1. Basil

You can easily grow basil indoors. It is packed with antioxidant, antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral properties and it provides numerous benefits. Simply, cut off the stem you want to root before the parent plant flowers.  
Basil is an excellent source of vitamin K and manganese; a very good source of copper, Vitamin A  (in the form of carotenoids such as beta-carotene), and vitamin C; and a good source of calcium, iron, folate, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Lemon Balm

This herb is known for its fresh smell, which keeps the mosquitos and insects away. You should pick several cuttings in spring or fall and put them in water and place in a bright place.  Remember to change the water once a week.
Lemon balm is easily ingested in tea. It has been consistently observed to be helpful for anxiety, inflammation, gastrointestinal distress, immune system support, and menstrual cramp relief, cognitive functions, and heart health.

3. Oregano

The process of growing oregano is similar to that of basil. You should take fresh oregano cuttings in water and pinch the growing tips as it grows. It has various health benefits which come as a result of its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antioxidant properties.

4. Peppermint

This is probably the easiest herb you can grow indoors. All you should do is place some fresh peppermint cuttings in water. You can use it in your salads and desserts. It will soothe bowel syndrome and reduce the stress levels. Moreover, you will be protected from spiders and mice as they don’t like the smell.
Graphic: peppermint, spearmint, marjoram, sage, and thyme  ---->

5. Spearmint

This herb requires the same growing process as peppermint. It is extremely beneficial for post-menopausal women and can balance sex hormones. 

6.  Marjoram

Marjoram attracts butterflies so it is a great addition to gardens. Start it inside and transplant this one! It is known to improve digestive function & heart health. Marjoram is an anti-inflammatory and mood lifter. Culinary uses: great in soups, roasted vegetables, roasted meats, marinades

7. Sage

You can grow your own sage indoors by taking a few sprigs in the spring from an outdoor plant and placing them in shallow water. Make sure you don’t let the leaves touch the water. This amazing herb will help you with anxiety, and it will improve the memory.

8. Thyme

You should take cuttings in the mid-spring or early summer before the parent plants flowers. Keep it moist to prevent drying out. This herb is beneficial as it can lower blood pressure, prevent tooth decay, and cause cancer cell death.

9. Tarragon

Grow tarragon by taking spring cuttings after fresh growth appears. You should place it on a warm and bright spot. Tarragon is packed with antibacterial properties and it can regulate blood sugar levels and treat metabolic syndrome.

10. Rosemary

Its thick stems will take a while to grow roots and should be placed in a sunny spot. You can use it in soups, as a garnish or meat rub. It can improve the brain health, boost memory, and promote hair growth.

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